Hidden Message Valentine's

(Courtesy of Meaningful Mama)

Hidden Message Valentine Hearts are a special way to let your kids know that you recognize their unique gifts and personalities. Watch their faces light up as a magic message appears on the heart before their eyes. 

This is a simple Valentine’s Day activity for kids of all ages – toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten kids and beyond. While not all kids will be old enough to read the message, all will be able to paint and watch the secret words take shape. 

You Need:

  • White Stock Paper

  • Scissors, you can use regular ones or ones with unique edges

  • White crayon

  • Watercolor Paints

  • Paint Brushes

To Make:

  1. Take a sheet of white stock paper and fold it in half. Cut a half heart shape from the edge of the paper. You can use scissors with a unique edge so that it looks fancy, but plain scissors work as well.

  2. Next, use a white crayon to write a sweet message to your Valentine. You will want to go over your letters a handful of times so that you are assured the white crayon is well established on the page. 

  3. The final step is to use watercolor paints to paint the entire heart. Kids can use a variety of colors or a solid color. The message will magically appear as they paint.

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