Pinwheel Sandwiches


You can picture it now…the after-school rush on the horizon. Snack needs to be  simple to prepare, satisfying enough to stave off hunger but won’t ruin dinner in a few hours. So, with all that in mind, is there any better option than the pinwheel sandwich?! Make them in advance and then just slice them up when it’s snack time.

What You’ll Need:

  • Medium flour tortillas

  • Filling spread like hummus, nut butter, guacamole

  • Filling topping to pair with the spread like spinach, jam and shredded cheese

To Make:

  1. Spread a thin layer of filling on the entirety of the tortilla. 

  2. Top with a topping of your choice that pairs well with the spread (ie: hummus + spinach, PB + Jam and guacamole + shredded cheese).

  3. Roll the tortilla up tight and cut into pinwheels. 

Other Filling Options:

  • Ranch dressing + deli turkey

  • Dijon mustard + salami 

  • Veggie cream cheese + thinly sliced cucumbers

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